Kami adalah gabungan pelukis Kabupaten Semarang yang terbentuk pada tahun 2007 dengan hanya beberapa Anggota saja di daerah bergas. namun karena desakan pelukis-pelukis ingin bergabung dari daerah lain, maka akhirnya kami menggabungkan diri dalam sebuah organisasi pelukis kabupaten semarang dan sekarang kelompok lukis kami mempunyai anggota dengan beragam aliran.
Saat ini kelompok kami dipimpin oleh bapak Agus seorang pelukis ahli di objek bebek sehingga beliau dijuluki agus bebek. beliau juga pemilik Reivan Art Gallery yang terletak di Bergas, Ungaran, Kabupaten Semarang
Kami manerima berbagai macam pesanan Lukisan, Lukisan Duplikat*, Kaligrafi, Lukisan Batik, dan juga Les Menggambar.
Kami Juga Menerima Kerjasama dari Hotel, Instansi Pemerintah, atau Organisasi.
We are Community of painter Semarang formed in 2007 with only a few Members. but due to the insistence of the painters who wanted to join us from other regions, then finally we merge the painter community in Semarang regency and now we have a member with a variety skill of painting.
Currently our group is led by Mr. Agus, an expert painter in "Duck" object so that he was nicknamed by Agus Duck. He is also the owner of Reivan Art Gallery that is located in Bergas, Ungaran, Semarang Regency
We accept various kinds of orders Painting, Painting Duplicate *, Calligraphy, Batik Painting and so on.
We also accept business cooperation with Hotels, Government Agencies, or Organizations.
We are Community of painter Semarang formed in 2007 with only a few Members. but due to the insistence of the painters who wanted to join us from other regions, then finally we merge the painter community in Semarang regency and now we have a member with a variety skill of painting.
Currently our group is led by Mr. Agus, an expert painter in "Duck" object so that he was nicknamed by Agus Duck. He is also the owner of Reivan Art Gallery that is located in Bergas, Ungaran, Semarang Regency
We accept various kinds of orders Painting, Painting Duplicate *, Calligraphy, Batik Painting and so on.
We also accept business cooperation with Hotels, Government Agencies, or Organizations.
We also accept business cooperation with Hotels, Government Agencies, or Organizations.
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